Progressive Goal Attainment Program
We use the Progressive Goal Attainment Program or the PGAP, which is a ten week, life role re-integration treatment program designed to reduce disability associated with chronic pain, depression, and other chronic health and mental health conditions. The goals of the program are to reduce psychosocial barriers and to promote the return to work or productive activities. The PGAP program can be combined to include the below:
Individualized Fitness Program:
- Individuals participate in a conditioning program that consists of progressive exercises and/or work simulation to improve physical conditioning and work tolerance; to enhance self esteem; and to elevate mood.
Educational Sessions:
- Additional education on specific coping strategies for stress management and relaxation, time management, problem-solving, and energy conservation can be provided.
Return to Work Programs:
- May include a graduated return to work schedule, modified work duties, or changes to the work site.
- Teaching job finding skills, and exploring vocational interests.
- Coordination of volunteer experiences in preparation for return to work.
Benefits of the Program:
- Structured program that helps the client to reduce psychosocial barriers and promotes the return to work and productive activities.
- Individualized to meet the participants unique needs and goals.
- Promotes healthy lifestyle changes.